Historically, the Women of Color Committee (WOCC) of the NIH Working Group on Women in Biomedical Careers has recognized that women of color may face unique challenges to entering and advancing in biomedical careers. Some of these challenges have been well documented and described, beginning with the historic 1975 paper titled The Double Bind: The Price of Being a Minority Woman in Science (Malcom, S. M., Hall, P. Q., & Brown, J. W. [1975] Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science).
The Women of Color Research Network (WOCRN) was created to provide women of color and supporters of their advancement in the biomedical sciences information about the NIH grants process, advice on career development, and a forum for networking and sharing information. Explore our Professional/Career Development Tools and Resources page to find information related to facilitating the research careers of women of color.
Additionally, you can join the discussion in the WOCRN LinkedIn group, which addresses issues faced by women and minorities in scientific careers. We share information on topics such as mentorship of women of color, recommendations to promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, the impact of scientific research on race and gender, and potential career opportunities for those in our network.